Lake to Lake Quilt Guild
established 1986
to promote, preserve and encourage the art of quilting
Welcome to our Guild
We meet the first Wednesday of the month, year round, at the Gorham Methodist Church, 4746 South Street, Gorham, NY from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Our business meeting starts at 10:00 AM. Lake to Lake Quilt Guild welcomes anyone with an interest in quilting. Our annual dues are $35.00. Membership entitles you to a monthly newsletter and participation in our many activities.
Lake to Lake Quilt Guild offers many varied activities. You might expect to participate in various fabric exchanges, round robins, or quilt challenges especially the President’s Challenge. Choose what you like! We have a Biennial Quilt Show and make a Biennial Opportunity Quilt. We have a monthly program after the business meeting that might involve a quilt related project or specific technique. Our lectures by nationally known and local quilt teachers are quite popular. We have an extensive quilt book library.
Our guild participates in several service projects benefitting local charities and groups in need. Currently our quilts are donated to three organizations: Child and Family Services of Yates, Ontario, and Seneca Counties, Agribusiness, and CareNet.
Meeting Cancellations
A monthly Guild meeting during winter months may be cancelled due to inclement weather. If the Marcus Whitman School district closes or is delayed for a “snow day” on a meeting day, our meeting will be cancelled. Please use your best judgment as conditions may vary from place to place. An email will be sent to members with email addresses. If in doubt, call the current Guild President. We will NOT call individual members.

Lake to Lake Quilt Guild
We meet the first Wednesday of the month
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
at the Gorham Methodist Church,
4746 South Street, Gorham, NY
Look for us on Facebook
9:00 AM Social Hour (bring hand sewing projects)
10:00 AM Business Meeting
11:00AM – 3:00PM Sewing Circle
Bring your lunch | Activities, projects and more

PO Box 58
Geneva, NY 14456